Thursday, June 07, 2007


ive been meaning to write for a couple of days but it just hasnt happened. i have a list of things i need to write about; inshallah this weekend.atleast my template work is done.

please let me know if you think something is not working, the readability of the blog i.e. too dark, too black, hurts your eyes etc.

till tomorrow i bid you adieu!


UTP said...

oye huay THE BLACKs....

jummy bear said...

Yay! Great new look.

Only one question, Why the huge keep out sign?


rubytuesdays said...

I like the black....but why the KEEP OUT sign?

Optimistic Guard said...

Hey its easy to read and all, change is always good, keep trying new formats, the keep out sign is unwelcoming, but i guess thats what you want.

The friendly lion said...

@UTP: =D

@Jummy, Ruby thanks :) the keep out sign isnt intentional, it was just a banner i liked. nothing else.

@Optimistic Guard: thanks for the comments! just to be clear the keep out sign is not meant to be "unwelcoming" but if thts what you think...