Sunday, February 11, 2007

Its just a thought*

i was just wondering that i never post on the blog when im feeling a bit philosophical or nostalgic or even just happy. i only post when im either bored or incensed or have too much time on my hands.
to tell the truth this was supposed to be a completely anonymous and private blog, a place where i could vent with freedom, where i could write witout hesitation, where i could write without the fear of hurting a loved one. simply put where i could be me. as blunt, as sarcastic and as in secure as i truly am. but i cant be tht person here. i have to be the polite, nice me here.
lately i have been reading a wide array of blogs which range from (on my scale) bizarre(my new pet word in case you hadnt guessed yet) to ridiculous to sweet to inspiring to plain gag inducing. what i dont understand is are these people really who they say they are? am i what i potray through the blog? am i truthful? or do i tend to over exagerrate or understate an event when retelling it? do i write for the pleasure of it? or do i write to exercise my mmind and through out random words into the cyberspace, a word i presume only used in sci-fi movies.
i considered doing a day by day account of my life as i read on some blogs which i truly enjoy. they are like 7days for me, read every morning as soon as i come to the office. then i think what will i write?? tht i slept till 1:30 on friday and saturday and was woken not by my shrill alam but by my mothers' kiss or my my father gently shaking me awake as if it was 7:30 and not 1 in the afternoon.
yes i suppose i could write that. i think the reason that i dont is maybe coz i want approval, from no body specific but everybody in general. i suppose i should stop looing for approval. this is my space. here i will be what i am. boring or monotonous it might me but it is who i am. and i wouldnt want to change that for the world!
hence there will be be two blogs now, one a diary and one for musings and the not so occasional rants. lets see for how many days i can kep this up!

*this post is completely incoherent, written in a flow of thoughts and emotions all coliding in one place, all at once. please dont try to make sense out of it as there is none.


Destitute Rebel said...

TFL, the post makes perfect sense. As you said its your space, most of us blog for ourselves and not others so you should do what you like. As to your point about people being same in real life and blogs, well the fact of the matter is most humans think one thing and say another so usually people are not themselves in real life or in cyberspace.

About starting another blog, good luck with that, its pretty hard, i started my blog as a politically active one and now its everything, musings,ramblings, events, politics, thoughts whatever comes to mind. i simply can not maintain two personal blogs, group blogs are another thing altogether.

Anonymous said...

stop thinking so much or your brain will explode

i*maginate said...

great..look forward to reading your posts.

The friendly lion said...

@ D-reb: i know i should say what i like here but i made the unfortunate mistake of publicizing it and now a whole people know its mine so really cant say much here without causing a serious squirm inducing situation.
i know about the two blogs thing now that i have them. its becoming quite difficult posting on both.

@km: well someone has to think and if mine does explode one of these days ill just take yours. atleast then i might not kill the humor in jokes ;)

@i*maginate: thanks, i look forward to reading yours :)

Destitute Rebel said...

Lol, yeah I know what you mean, I started the blog so I could rant, now some of the people I might want to rant about read the blog, no where to go.