Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The obligatory Vday post

Most posts i read today were about heartbreak in its various forms, only D-rebs posts were on the happy spectrum. i cant write about either which is probably a bit pathetic as this this my 22nd Valentine's day! (sigh!)
on top of which im at work, by eyes are burning (which is probably coz of my 21" monitor) and so is my back (bloody chair!! :( i need an ergonomic one). the only good thing i noticed all day in the office was that everyone denounced the holiday as being too commercial (a really pathetic excuse!) and so i havent seen anyone getting flowers. which again is sad as no matter how much you may denounce it every women wants flowers today and every husband/boy friend should send some.
well thts all really from my end; to all the couples out there, just go out and celebrate a bit, it is a holiday afterall!


Unknown said...

The day of cheesy romantic interactions! Thankfully it came & went... Another single V-Day over here as well *sigh*

You think all girls should receive flowers? Hmm...

The friendly lion said...

Oy! since when have you become such a cynic??
Yes another lonely V-Day...
you know sometimes cheese is good, especially when everyone is getting some ;)
yes i do and i suppose everyone else does too..

Unknown said...

I am a lady and i wanted flowers too,dam the boys!!

Aisha said...

I have a vday buddy (my hubby) but I still think Vday is kinda cheesy and silly :( I guess its okay but we should remember to love one another and show it on other days too, just because, you know?