Monday, November 06, 2006

And another one..

this meme i got off aisha's blog too.
here i go..


Height: 5,2" sigh (yoko height increaser doesnt work!! karachi mutant tried hehehehe)
Color: beige
Piercing: one in my ears, wanna get one more but am afraid it'll hurt
Tattoos: none, no needles for me

Right Now

Time: 5:45
Mood: Strange sort of good, sort of not
Taste: Craving the tiramisu brownie in my bag
Weather: Humid
Bad habit: lately, biting my lips
Thing I want to do: sleep for two days straight
Favourite TV show: Gilmore girls
Book: Love story
Non alcoholic drink: Rani peach float, Starbucks Caramel frapacinno
Brand: Giordano
Perfume: Pleasures by Estee Lauder
Designer: DKNY


Have a job: Part-time financial assistant
My CD player has what in it right now: Fort minor
What makes me happy: Sunshine, flowers, beach

When/What Was the Last

I got a real letter: six months ago from B
Got an email: a few mins ago another college mail
Thing I purchased: earrings
TV program I watched: Fashion house
Movie I saw in the theaters: Narnia
Hugged: Ray :) my hug of the day
Place I was: Work then school
Song heard: Sohniye Juggy D
Phone call: Mummy who me loves

please please please guys, this one.. :)

1 comment:

Destitute Rebel said...

You got a real letter, I didn't know they existed anymore.