Tuesday, November 07, 2006

My thoughts...

this is an elaboration of my thoughts on a post of D rebs:
his post is basically about how ppl spend most extravagantly to make their lives comfortable and their lifestyle envious but do little or nothing to help those less fortunate than them.
it is more or less the same with me. i have been away from karachi for nearly nine years now and havent visited since, the not visiting was more of a coincidence than a deliberate effort. any how i have grown up in this really liberal place with quite liberal parents away from any knid of society which would even resemble the one at home. i am now a person who despite being female has never been deprived, i have lived on my own while on internships something quite unheard of for most of the pakistani grls i know, i am quite self assured, in more or less a taboo profession (Hospitality), independent, out spoken and i like all of tht about me. i know without a doubt had i grown up these nineish years in karachi i would have been a completely different person. and tht would have been because of social pressures to conform. people standing out, doing things differently are not only not accepted but are deliberately made to feel as if they have commited some sort of an unforgivable sin. which is very stupid.
it is these very things which make people not do things which they should do but instead play follow the leader. i dont think when people give to charity its because they want to but more because they'll be the people who gave such and such amount, oh wow now lets all stand and clap!
i know when i go back to visit over eid at the end of this year, i will be shocked, i will no more have the freedom to speak my mind as my views are too unconventional and i like to voice them which sometimes (read: always) creats squirm inducing situations for my parents, i wont be able to go out when i want by myself coz i wont be allowed.
maybe i am overexaggerating the situation but thts how i see it. ill let you know if they change. in the meanwhile feel free to comment.

did i forget to mention im an out and out cynic??!!


Anonymous said...
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Jaani said...

Me and a wise friend were talking lately about how claustrophobic the Pakistani society is and I was of the opinion that it was changing, but its true that The society is still very claustrophobic its just iv lost touch with it and I'm sort of glad for that.